- 국민대학교 포털 로그인 후 조회 및 출력 : [포털->학생서비스->등록정보->등록금납부확인서]
(교육비납입증명서는 연말정산기간인 2026.01월 이후 조회, 출력 가능)
※ 국가장학금 심사 진행자는 국가장학금 반영이 추후 진행될 수 있으니 등록금 납부 전 고지서를 확인한 후 등록바라며 등록기간이 시작되면 국가장학금 및 교내장학금 고지감면처리가 불가능하므로 반드시 등록기간 전에 고지서를 확인한 후 학생지원팀(02-910-4054~5)으로 문의
(WeChat Pay Payment Period : 2025.02.24.(Mon) ~ 02.26.(Wed)
2) Installment Payment
(1) Application Period
- 1st: 2025.02.19.(Wed) ~ 02.21.(Fri) 10 AM ~ 4 PM
- 2nd: 2025.03.20.(Thu) ~ 03.21.(Fri) 10 AM ~ 4 PM
(2) How to Apply : Potal->Student Service->Registration Information->Installment Payment Application
(3) Installment Plan :
- 2~4 times for students applied during 1stapplication period
- 2~3 times for students applied during 2ndapplication period
(4) Payment Period:
- 1stPayment period 2025.02.24.(Mon) ~ 02.28.(Fri)
- 2ndPayment (1st for ones applied during 2ndapplication) 2025.03.24.(Mon) ~ 03.27.(Thu)
- 3rdPayment (2nd for ones applied during 2ndapplication) 2025.04.21.(Mon) ~ 04.24.(Thu)
- 4thPayment (3rd for ones applied during 2ndapplication) 2025.05.19.(Mon) ~ 05.22.(Thu)
※ WeChat Pay Payment Period : Payment is available for 2 days from the start date of each round.
(5) Since the amounts of payment for each period may differ, be sure to check the exact amounts on the invoice before making a payment.
(6) Payment : via virtual account or at Woori Bank
※In the case of payment wired by foreign currency remittance, it must be made 3 days before the payment deadline. The total amounts must be considered with the fee and exchange rate for foreign currency remittance. (If the total amounts credited by foreign currency remittance is less than the amounts of registration, registration is not processed and Please note that excess deposits due to exchange rate difference will be returned to the domestic bank account entered in ON Kookmin Portal.)
※Students must pay their tuition in person, and be careful not to expose their virtual account number to others. The students who pay their tuition through acquaintances may also be held accountable and harmed if a victim of a phishing scam files a lawsuit against the tuition paid. Once again, please be careful not to expose your virtual account which is your personal information.
1) Tuition Payment : Finance Team 02-910-4156(Person in charge) / 02-910-4157,6442
2) Grades/Leave of absence/Return to school : Academic Affairs Team 02-910-4033/4037